Thursday, 16 October 2014

Vegan Rhubarb Cupcakes

M’s mum gave me a bunch of rhubarb from her garden, so I decided to do something with my rhubarb curd recipe. Sweet rhubarb cupcakes seemed liked a good idea, and they were perfect for a late spring afternoon.


For the curd, you can replace 1 tbsp flour with 1 egg, if you eat eggs.




rhubarb curd

350 g rhubarb

zest and juice from 1 orange

30 g sugar

2 tbsp flour



¾ cup rice milk

1½ tsp lemon juice

¼ cup coconut oil

1 cup flour

½ cup sugar

1 tsp baking powder

½ tsp bicarbonate of soda

½ tsp salt

1 tsp vanilla



1. Wash and chop the rhubarb. Place it in an oven-safe dish.

2. Toss it with the zest and juice from 1 orange and 30 g sugar.

3. Bake it for 25-30 min at 190 C.

4. Blend it well, until smooth, and then mix with the flour and blend again.

5. Mix the rice milk and lemon juice together and set aside for 10 minutes to curdle.

6. Melt the coconut oil (if you have it in solid form).

7. Mix the dry ingredients together. Stir in the vanilla, coconut oil, and milk mixture.

8. Pour about 2-3 tbsp cupcake mixture into muffin cases and then place 1-2 tbsp rhubarb curd on top. Add another 1 tbsp cupcake mixture on top of the curd.
9. Bake for 10-20 minutes at 175 C.

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