Friday, 7 June 2013

My Friend From Faro

This is a German film about a twenty-something lesbian stuck in a small town, working in a factory, unable to be her true self. I didn’t quite get how Mel’s family was so blind to who she really was, nor how Jenny, the girl she had a relationship with, didn’t see past what Mel told her. Still, Mel was a strong character and the actor who played her did a good job at portraying what she was going through.

 M wasn’t so keen on this film, but I thought it was rather sweet. There was the expected revelation and related bullying/violence and it wasn’t a surprising or new story in any way, but it was nice to see that things ended up fairly okay for Mel despite everything. As M pointed out, it’s tiring to see LGBTQ films that have the typical problems in them, and this one wasn’t an exception, but it did end on a positive note for Mel.


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