Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Glazed Courgettes and Brussels Sprouts

This is such a wintry side dish but because I make so many different recipes, it’s June as I’m posting it! I served it over couscous, which I spruced up with plain soya yogurt, lemon peel, and lemon juice.

1 courgette
about 10 Brussels sprouts
1 tsp oil
2 tsp honey
1 tbsp lemon juice

1. Wash the vegetables. Slice the courgette and halve the sprouts.
2. Heat up the oil in a frying pan and lightly fry the veg. Add the honey so that they caramelise.
3. Continue frying for a few moments, then add the lemon juice. Fry 2-3 more moments.
4. The honey and lemon juice will make a little sauce at the bottom of the pan, so serve the veg with the sauce poured over it.

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