Thursday, 7 October 2010

Vegetarians Do It Better

Do vegetarians make better lovers? According to this post and similar commentaries, vegetarians are generally healthier, so have more stamina and energy, plus tend to be in better shape, which can mean that they more attractive. Vegetarians are also known to generally smell better than people who eat meat, and no one wants to sleep with someone stinky.

Whether vegetarians are less affected by impotence isn’t of much interest to lesbians, however (I could point out that thanks to the wonders of silicone strap-ons, lesbians are never impotent, but I’m not that vulgar…oh, wait, I clearly am!).

There’s also the issue of how some people find ethics sexy, and if you’re the type of person who doesn’t relish the thought of killing other living creatures, then you might be turned on by a vegetarian.

So do vegetarians do it better? Well, possibly. You’d have to get my girlfriend’s opinion, but maybe I’m better off not asking her to comment!

Still, the general point is a good one. Looks, health, and values are all undeniably important, and if vegetarians rank a bit higher there, then perhaps in some ways, vegetarians do actually do it better.

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